Serious question. Is MA really deep blue? Or is it just fully infested with fraud? Are the majority of MA residence not conservative patriots?
For example, I strongly believe Illinois, NY and possibly even Cali are red deep down (majority of the people are conservative patriots), but the fraud in the urban centers of Chicago, NYC and LA/San Fran respectively is too much for the people to overcome. And the MSM can say these are all progressive/liberal states and make them automatically blue before a single vote is even counted.
I live in MA and I believe that the majority of people have the mindset of "well I've always voted dem" and they don't want anyone to know they prefer the policies on the other side.
There is a map that shows just how red the country is; especially how red CA and IL are. Unfortunately, most of New England is blue but we are red pilling a lot of people too.
The majority of New England states are as corrupt as all get out, hence the left leaning.
Serious question. Is MA really deep blue? Or is it just fully infested with fraud? Are the majority of MA residence not conservative patriots?
For example, I strongly believe Illinois, NY and possibly even Cali are red deep down (majority of the people are conservative patriots), but the fraud in the urban centers of Chicago, NYC and LA/San Fran respectively is too much for the people to overcome. And the MSM can say these are all progressive/liberal states and make them automatically blue before a single vote is even counted.
I live in MA and I believe that the majority of people have the mindset of "well I've always voted dem" and they don't want anyone to know they prefer the policies on the other side.
There is a map that shows just how red the country is; especially how red CA and IL are. Unfortunately, most of New England is blue but we are red pilling a lot of people too.
The majority of New England states are as corrupt as all get out, hence the left leaning.