#3. 7 Years of Hell Starts, Antichrist first 3 and a half is a NICE GUY
#4. Halfway Mark Antichrist Breaks his Deal With Israel, Proclaims he is God and Starts forcing the mark on people
#5. After Tribulation, and the Antichrists Defeat Satan is Locked up for 1000 years, There will be people left after the Tribulation, VERY FEW will be ones who Refused the mark, most will be who took it because they were able to get by, they better enjoy what life they got left cause when they die, they go south
#6. 1000 years will pass here on earth which will be a flicker to those who were raptured, the world will be a mess but still there will be people here
#7. Jesus Christ Bring All Raptured, Dead and Still Living to the Great Throne of Judgement where he will finally Judge Who goes to Heaven and Who Burns in hell
#8. After the 1000 Years God Will Release Satan for a Final Showdown between his army and Gods Army of Angels, we prevail, satan and his Followers go into the Bottomless Pit forever
#9. God Establistes his New Heaven and Earth where those True Believers will live Pain Free Sin Free forever, the End
Yes here's the Plan:
#1. Rapture of the Dead
#2. Rapture of the Church
#3. 7 Years of Hell Starts, Antichrist first 3 and a half is a NICE GUY
#4. Halfway Mark Antichrist Breaks his Deal With Israel, Proclaims he is God and Starts forcing the mark on people
#5. After Tribulation, and the Antichrists Defeat Satan is Locked up for 1000 years, There will be people left after the Tribulation, VERY FEW will be ones who Refused the mark, most will be who took it because they were able to get by, they better enjoy what life they got left cause when they die, they go south
#6. 1000 years will pass here on earth which will be a flicker to those who were raptured, the world will be a mess but still there will be people here
#7. Jesus Christ Bring All Raptured, Dead and Still Living to the Great Throne of Judgement where he will finally Judge Who goes to Heaven and Who Burns in hell
#8. After the 1000 Years God Will Release Satan for a Final Showdown between his army and Gods Army of Angels, we prevail, satan and his Followers go into the Bottomless Pit forever
#9. God Establistes his New Heaven and Earth where those True Believers will live Pain Free Sin Free forever, the End