I have noticed that, shockingly, the Trump administration has made little plans to strengthen America through cultural dominance and reforming our entertainment industries. Having worked in entertainment for nearly a decade, I have come to understand the problems deeply rooted in our film, TV, arts, music, and comedy industries that require a tremendous amount of reform and readjustment.
I have begun a substack to hopefully bring this shortcoming to attention. I would love it if you would consider subscribing. I charge no fees and have no plans to make money from this.
As I spent the last 5 years traveling through and around America, I have come to love everything about the country, and wish to share my observations.
God bless and thank you for your time.
I will definitely check it out! Thanks, pede.
By the way, I didn't see a mention of publishing or literary arts. Any plans to incorporate those as well?
Yes and no. It's largely because self publishing and online publishing have democratized the process. If you think of anything I'd love to incorporate it.