As a prior practitioner of Tai Chi, including forms such as Silk Reeling 纏絲功, Eight Pieces Brocade 八段錦, Microcosmic Orbit 小周天, and Internal Cultivation 內功, I advise you to stop practicing Tai Chi. There are many other ways of exercising that don't involve the occultism that I describe below.
Tai Chi is derived from and inseparable from Taoism, which is a religious and philosophical system that is opposed to the Bible. The core tenet of Taoism is the idea of "nondualism", which states that the entire universe is all just "one thing" (aka The Tao) and every duality we can see such as light and dark (aka Yin and Yang), are just complementary parts of the nondual Tao. Moreover, the Tao arose from Nothing (aka Wu). The goal of Taoism is to extinguish your ego (sense of being having an individual soul) and become dissolved into the Tao.
However, the Bible says that "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 Jn 1:5). Jehovah the God of the Bible has not called His people to a "nondual" life of light and dark, but to be completely separated from spiritual darkness.
And, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1).
And, what Taoism calls "Tao" is actually just the created universe, and the Bible says "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." (1 Jn 5:19). But God is the creator of all things.
I experienced being born again when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In an instant, I received something much greater and more profound than all the meditation and cultivation did for me. Pursue just Jesus and you will receive the same.
As a prior practitioner of Tai Chi, including forms such as Silk Reeling 纏絲功, Eight Pieces Brocade 八段錦, Microcosmic Orbit 小周天, and Internal Cultivation 內功, I advise you to stop practicing Tai Chi. There are many other ways of exercising that don't involve the occultism that I describe below.
Tai Chi is derived from and inseparable from Taoism, which is a religious and philosophical system that is opposed to the Bible. The core tenet of Taoism is the idea of "nondualism", which states that the entire universe is all just "one thing" (aka The Tao) and every duality we can see such as light and dark (aka Yin and Yang), are just complementary parts of the nondual Tao. Moreover, the Tao arose from Nothing (aka Wu). The goal of Taoism is to extinguish your ego (sense of being having an individual soul) and become dissolved into the Tao.
However, the Bible says that "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all" (1 Jn 1:5). Jehovah the God of the Bible has not called His people to a "nondual" life of light and dark, but to be completely separated from spiritual darkness. And, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen 1:1). And, what Taoism calls "Tao" is actually just the created universe, and the Bible says "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." (1 Jn 5:19). But God is the creator of all things.
I experienced being born again when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. In an instant, I received something much greater and more profound than all the meditation and cultivation did for me. Pursue just Jesus and you will receive the same.
Interesting. I will look into that. I didn't know about the occult related to the Tai Chi or Tao.
Thanks for the info.