What I see the need for is Food and nutrition education. When I walk around a grocery store all I see are poisens. IIf USAans knew what they were eating, they would stop eating this crap.
The young people don’t cook real food anymore. If you look in a young mother’s cart, it’s full of boxed, frozen and canned foods with too much salt, sugar, and fat. There are rarely any fruits or vegetables.
What I see the need for is Food and nutrition education. When I walk around a grocery store all I see are poisens. IIf USAans knew what they were eating, they would stop eating this crap.
The young people don’t cook real food anymore. If you look in a young mother’s cart, it’s full of boxed, frozen and canned foods with too much salt, sugar, and fat. There are rarely any fruits or vegetables.
I ran across the guy the other day who didn't recognize a regular ordinary pear
Oh wow! That’s so funny and so shocking at the same time!