I've learned more from this site than all of the schooling I've been through. But then again, I've learned more standing in line at the grocery store than I did in school. At least the shit learned here is useful. Maybe Jovans audit was more of a blueprint for what's going to happen this time around. We can only hope.
We know these last 4 years had to happen. The People had to see it for themselves. Trump needed a mandate, our permission, to do what needs to be done. And what needs to be done is going to be ugly. If he had done it four years ago without a mandate, this country would have settled into a couple of generations of internecine warfare. As it is the leftists rats will descend into violence. Its all they have left and will be cover for their run.
So I look at things like the Arizona audit and Jovans testimony as the prelude. Setting up the final chapter which began on November 5th. Have faith. Justice is coming. Trump told us so and he has never led us astray.
By all means, you vapid cunt, demand a recount.
A FULL FORENSIC RECOUNT that will uncover the massive Dem cheating that STILL wasn't enough to carry that cackling whore over the finish line.
Jovan Pulitzer proved fraud with a forensic audit in Arizona after 2020. Crickets
Because these four years were necessary. Have you learned nothing from this site?
I've learned more from this site than all of the schooling I've been through. But then again, I've learned more standing in line at the grocery store than I did in school. At least the shit learned here is useful. Maybe Jovans audit was more of a blueprint for what's going to happen this time around. We can only hope.
We know these last 4 years had to happen. The People had to see it for themselves. Trump needed a mandate, our permission, to do what needs to be done. And what needs to be done is going to be ugly. If he had done it four years ago without a mandate, this country would have settled into a couple of generations of internecine warfare. As it is the leftists rats will descend into violence. Its all they have left and will be cover for their run.
So I look at things like the Arizona audit and Jovans testimony as the prelude. Setting up the final chapter which began on November 5th. Have faith. Justice is coming. Trump told us so and he has never led us astray.