Finally, after almost 5 years, someone in public office appears to have let the cat out of the bag: defending her role in passing Covid laws and rules, the Dutch health minister tipped her hat to NATO and a 'deep state' counter-terrorism outfit that was first set up in the Netherlands 'to defeat Islamist terrorism'.
Given that NATO is a supranational organization, this would strongly suggest that ALL NATO member-states 'ran Covid' in more or less the same way, and would go a long way towards explaining why Western governments all seemed to operate 'in lockstep' throughout the pandemic: they were working to a centrally-controlled military beat, and one which apparently operated under the auspices of NATO, via military-intelligence 'counter-terrorism units' established after 9/11...
Globalist cockholsters have taken steps to prevent our withdrawal from NATO
The United States has maintained longstanding support to NATO. Most recently, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, enacted on December 22, 2023, prohibits the President from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO without approval of a two-third Senate super-majority or an act of Congress.[71] This bill was a response to Donald Trump's repeated expressions of interest in withdrawing from the organization
I don't want to jump through the nonscientific hoops of another military plandemic power grab. The US must withdraw from NATO
Would be so much easier just blame chynuh, but our own government is the bio terrorist. Seems obvious nato/un are captured globalist entities. Worth cleaning up, or best to demolish?