“hE sAiD tRansParEntLy dUrinG the cAmpaiGn thaT he waNtEd to uSe the poWer oF hiS oFFiCe to gO afTer hiS poliTicAL oppOnEnts! ProJeCt 2025!!!…anD nOw he is eXecuTinG tHat pLan!!!”
Trump never said anything about going after his political opponents and he disavowed Project 2025 over and over.
These weasels are pathological liars. They have no other options.
They are about to get what they deserve. Justice."
He is definitely freaking out. His partner in crime and fellow CT Senator "DaNang" Dick Blumenthal is freaking out as well. Hope to see both of them in the news going forward.
“hE sAiD tRansParEntLy dUrinG the cAmpaiGn thaT he waNtEd to uSe the poWer oF hiS oFFiCe to gO afTer hiS poliTicAL oppOnEnts! ProJeCt 2025!!!…anD nOw he is eXecuTinG tHat pLan!!!”
Trump never said anything about going after his political opponents and he disavowed Project 2025 over and over.
These weasels are pathological liars. They have no other options.
They are about to get what they deserve. Justice."
He is definitely freaking out. His partner in crime and fellow CT Senator "DaNang" Dick Blumenthal is freaking out as well. Hope to see both of them in the news going forward.
Time for a wingman meme !