posted ago by swimkin ago by swimkin +40 / -0

Here's a synopsis of what has happened since they were still counting votes in Wake County after the election (among other counties). and it flipped the votes of two races in the State:


Also there is NO reason for the NC State Board of Elections to be SWITCHING any votes! PERIOD!

Read this report from David Goetz (Otherwise known as Major Dave) https://www.facebook.com/major.dave.5 who analyses data from NC elections and has a huge data base of all the registered voters now:

Here are a few fast facts about the election data from the NCSBE:

  1. Since the first of this year, NC has added over 525k voters to the rolls. Of them, 150k do NOT have an NC Drivers License and 274k list no Birth State which is the only key to citizenship we have.
  2. There have been 8,254 more Same Day Registrants added to the Absentee Ballot Data File since Election Day, and of them, 6,978 did not show up until a week or more after Election Day.
  3. Our data capture from the NCSBE Election Dashboard showed multiple switching of votes between candidates in several races, but not in all counties or in all races. What is critical is that many of these changes took place AFTER the county had made their final upload to the NCSBE that night. The NCSBE does not have the authority to change any number uploaded by the counties. It defies logic that there was multiple switching in the Valerie Zachary race for the Court of Appeals but there was no switching in Tom Murry's race. We've needed to track both registration data and election return data since they are two independent data streams that keep anyone from digitally finding out who you voted for. But at some point, if someone is dickering with the numbers, they have to tweak the registrations to justify those numbers. I know many question the programming of the machines, but if you can digitally switch the numbers after those numbers leave the county, then the results can be made to say anything they wish and it will all look legitimate.

He's got a number of our state legislators who read his feed and he trained 28 other individuals in the state to look into the data on election night. Not sure anything can be done about this at all but our legislators don't come back to Raleigh until Tuesday.