Is Christ Asking You to Learn With Us?
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You start with humility. I trust Jesus will get you there in his timing. Until then we carry on. Have a blessed day
I pray your reading comprehension improves. I didn't say anything about me. I say what the scripture says. As scripture reads,How can the foolish teach anything but foolishness? They receive the fool's reward. That is written.
I said EXACTLY what NEEDED to be said at that moment. Your ears are just tuned to your own pride and puffing yourself up. You are free to continue though. I WONT
My ears are tuned to the Word of God. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven and His Righteousness. Jesus is Lord and Abba's perfect sacrifice for all ages. Truth Makes you free. That's biblical. Jesus's words not mine btw.
Ok that's your choice. Jesus knows I tried. Have a blessed day.