Formula was designed for instances when breastfeeding was not possible. It was never marketed as ‘safe.’ Also, formula should not have been intended to be used on a broad scale. The push to collect taxes from women by brainwashing them into to work force compounding with the disgust for stay at home moms who breastfed resulted in stay at home moms who bottle fed- to keep their breasts pretty and not be concerned with diet, drugs, and alcohol that might effect the child.
I hear to same line for why people use public schooling—“I went to public school and I turned out fine.” But did they turn out fine? Too subjective to be a rational argument. Are you 80 yet? 60? The decisions of today will effect tomorrow and years from now. Breast milk is best for reasons we know and reasons we don’t yet understand.
Formula was designed for instances when breastfeeding was not possible. It was never marketed as ‘safe.’ Also, formula should not have been intended to be used on a broad scale. The push to collect taxes from women by brainwashing them into to work force compounding with the disgust for stay at home moms who breastfed resulted in stay at home moms who bottle fed- to keep their breasts pretty and not be concerned with diet, drugs, and alcohol that might effect the child. I hear to same line for why people use public schooling—“I went to public school and I turned out fine.” But did they turn out fine? Too subjective to be a rational argument. Are you 80 yet? 60? The decisions of today will effect tomorrow and years from now. Breast milk is best for reasons we know and reasons we don’t yet understand.