posted ago by Donny_Fiasco ago by Donny_Fiasco +33 / -0

Where's the Congressional approval? This is an overt act of war.

The act of supplying munitions to a foreign country in an ongoing war with no clear and resent danger to our shores is treason. Now that those weapons are actually being utilized...TREASON

Where's the "Republican" outcry?

Has Trump brought this act of war without approval into the public view?

Why not?

So it must be part of the grand climax to the movie then.

There have been inciting incidents>COVID, lockdowns, a clearly stolen election, fraudulent indictments against a president, assassination attempts against that same president, replacing a supposed sitting president without the 25th amendment process, and without a vote.

Now a clear act of aggression in hopes of starting WWIII

And here we are at the inflection point.

What follows the inflection point? Glad you asked!

In a screenplay, an inflection point is a moment when the protagonist makes a significant choice that changes the course of the story. It's a turning point that's often climactic and ensures nothing will be the same.

What makes a good movie?
