A few years ago, it was touted as a sort of mirror to Wikipedia that was a little out of date, but socially and politically contentious articles tended to have more balanced information and matter-of-fact descriptions.
Then it just... Stopped. It's still there, but it runs the same old news links and hosts the same front page articles that it has for several years now, still up being hosted (=paid for?) but apparently unchanged and unmaintained.
Infogalactic is definitely not dead. It’s still maintained and is the product of VoxDay and his many supporters and helpers.
It’s not prominently featured or even discussed much but it’s in the same sphere as Arkhaven Comics, Castalia House publishing, SocialGalactic, Unauthorized.Tv and other projects that Vox focuses on.
It’s funded organically through the users and has no apparent outside funding, which explains the appearance of stasis.
Source: I’m a UATV subscriber and have been since day one, and even I forget IG exists sometimes
nice to see a reminder it is there every now and again. Voxday is on this site, isn't he? just with a different name if I recall.
Someone went after the precious funding?
Always use it instead of biaspedia.