I found an old file on my computer from Sept. 13 2019. I'll copy it unedited as/is. Nothing really new here, to be sure, but it is amazing how long we have known some of this stuff and how the Q plan is dealing with it. For me, fascinating...
•Hillary will be arrested.
•Soros is a puppet with no money.
•The POTUS does not care if bad actors are Republican or democrat, if they worship Satan they are being taken out.
•The POTUS had a hostile takeover of the Whitehouse, BHO had installed the same tech. in the WH that affected the diplomats in Cuba.
•Follow the MONEY - It is the Key. - all of the bad actors have diplomatic passports from Canada and Australia, including Criminals (MS13) and drug lords, this is a global conspiracy, America will be the first to clean it up.
•In reading Q focus only on Military Intelligence and State Secrets. Ignore the CIA and FBI investigative work - it is irrelevant. Following the MONEY is the key.
•BHO lied about the Clinton emails, and her misuse of classified information because he was doing it himself separately and with her. - He is a traitor.
•Huma is a spy for the Muslim brotherhood, and is and always was HRC handler for Israel (through MB - S.A.).
•C.I.A. is pumping money into the MSM to prop it up (because it wants to control the narrative, no one advertises on it or would watch it - without the subsidy) We will later learn form Congressional hearings that the CIA owns the media, and is a proxy for big Pharma that fronts the advertising spend to keep them in print and on air. - Mueller was the FBI director that did the cover up for the CF Haiti ops stealing money and trafficking children for sex and body parts - ie he was complicit in their crimes - a participant like he was for 911.
•When HRC lost the election BHO repaid CF and BRIDGE 2 donations (evidence in the WL Clinton emails) the illegal slush fund set up by BHO to get HRC elected in 2016 with the money he paid to BIBI in Israel - for their "security" $30b Ten years in advance incl. down payment on WW3. The money came from RED RED this means that communist BHO (red) used JFK (RED) notes printed by the fed using seignorage rather than debt to make these payments, more on that later in this series, although I have explained it in more recent posts.
•The KEY to understanding Q is the division of knowledge and power between Military Intelligence and the FBI & CIA. The POTUS has the power to impose a Military takeover of the US, under the constitution as the CIC. - Just saying a fact. Q
•Antifa was used to trigger the constitutional power.
•Soros, Clintons, BHO, Putin etc, are all controlled by three families, The Rothschild's + 2 more, one was removed by DJT - that would be BUSH, the other two I speculate to be Romanov & the M Bormann family.
•The POTUS cannot be impeached. Impossible now.(read never)
•CIA slush funds (read red) prop up and pay for alternative media (FANG).
•Mueller is controlled by trump - he is dirty, DJT has him for Haiti, and 911, he is a joke running a sham for the dreamers that think they are going to escape justice by a miracle impeachment of the POTUS - its not going to happen.
•Mueller is guilty in the Haiti and Hollywood Pedo network, and the 911 coverup, he has bought some time out of jail to run an inquiry. He will go to jail soon.
•BHO bugged the WH of DJT.
•Now start putting this together.
•The POTUS controls the national guard.
•DJT nominated someone to control every agency except ONE - it was the Federal Reserve. (the key is the money).
•Pelosi survives because of State Secrets. - only.
•Many, nearly all Foreign heads of state are dirty players.
•Some things must remain classified to the very end, NK is not run by Kim, he is an actor in the Play - we are at the end now, so I think NK is Run by the M Bormann family (the NAZI PARTY CONTROLLED BY ROMONOV) more on Nazi stuff when Q metions them later in his posts.
•BHO booby trapped the WH for DJT with the same tech that made the US embassy staff vacate the Cuban embassy, advanced weapons - to kill the POTUS with radio waves.
•The WORLD is at a stalemate, read exactly like 1913, all the nations and leaders are compromised and blackmailed, to such an extent that right now nothing can be done but play the game, The POTUS knows all the information.
•There will be arrests.
•Ignore the doubters.
•False information is being fed to the STUPID PEOPLE.
•There will be arrests.
•BHO paid Israel $30b in the last days of his presidency to refund, and repay the BRIDGE fund to get HRC elected 2016, no one donated they subscribed and got their money back +++, through dirtyplayer Israel. The POMC was the SOROS slush fund shut down by Sessions. n.b. no one can sell any more because there is no buyer.
•Military took control with Trump.
•Four Carriers where in the Pacific to control dirty player Japan, who were trying to use NK nuclear threat to start WW3.
•BHO gave (personally) all the tech and nuclear secrets of the USA to NK, Iran has no nuclear tech, but BHO negotiated the sale of Iranian Missile (delivery mule) to NK so with his Tech, and the purchased missiles Kim could start WW3, that what the POTUS is so upset about, BHO paid 10x value to Iran for old missile that was 100 times better than Kim missiles. Kim got them for free, BHO paid for them with RED money.
•The USA has a new suite of great weapons, we used some on rocket man.
•Trust the Military we are you.
•The Donna B. book was a DJT production, she is owned.
•Canada is a bad actor. The POTUS controls the narrative, he has 50m + users on Twitter, he sets the news, even bad like Mueller BS is DJT news too. The media owners are CIA assets, they have been since the early 60's, they are the leakers, they have had no authorisation to leak, they are not protected by a legitimate source, read all media companies are bankrupt as of yesterday.
•False Flag events (school shootings) are deep state events. ISIS was a GHWB, & WJC + BHO invention, for WW3 preparation, it was funded by old king Saud the POTUS has fixed SA for now.
•What is Q clearance - what hint does that explitly refer to? QDDD - the state department. HRC was the person in the State department that set up QDDD to integrate with COG for the WW3 the USA was to loose, to win. Russia is a friend - Q Iran is a friend - Q The enemy is Israel Democrats call Russia an enemy. The Canadian PM is so important because he like the Australian PM is the legitimate face of the NAZI party on the international stage.
•Q is in the Whitehouse with the POTUS.
I found an old file on my computer from Sept. 13 2019. I'll copy it unedited as/is. Nothing really new here, to be sure, but it is amazing how long we have known some of this stuff and how the Q plan is dealing with it. For me, fascinating...
•Hillary will be arrested. •Soros is a puppet with no money.
•The POTUS does not care if bad actors are Republican or democrat, if they worship Satan they are being taken out.
•The POTUS had a hostile takeover of the Whitehouse, BHO had installed the same tech. in the WH that affected the diplomats in Cuba.
•Follow the MONEY - It is the Key. - all of the bad actors have diplomatic passports from Canada and Australia, including Criminals (MS13) and drug lords, this is a global conspiracy, America will be the first to clean it up.
•In reading Q focus only on Military Intelligence and State Secrets. Ignore the CIA and FBI investigative work - it is irrelevant. Following the MONEY is the key.
•BHO lied about the Clinton emails, and her misuse of classified information because he was doing it himself separately and with her. - He is a traitor.
•Huma is a spy for the Muslim brotherhood, and is and always was HRC handler for Israel (through MB - S.A.).
•C.I.A. is pumping money into the MSM to prop it up (because it wants to control the narrative, no one advertises on it or would watch it - without the subsidy) We will later learn form Congressional hearings that the CIA owns the media, and is a proxy for big Pharma that fronts the advertising spend to keep them in print and on air. - Mueller was the FBI director that did the cover up for the CF Haiti ops stealing money and trafficking children for sex and body parts - ie he was complicit in their crimes - a participant like he was for 911.
•When HRC lost the election BHO repaid CF and BRIDGE 2 donations (evidence in the WL Clinton emails) the illegal slush fund set up by BHO to get HRC elected in 2016 with the money he paid to BIBI in Israel - for their "security" $30b Ten years in advance incl. down payment on WW3. The money came from RED RED this means that communist BHO (red) used JFK (RED) notes printed by the fed using seignorage rather than debt to make these payments, more on that later in this series, although I have explained it in more recent posts.
•The KEY to understanding Q is the division of knowledge and power between Military Intelligence and the FBI & CIA. The POTUS has the power to impose a Military takeover of the US, under the constitution as the CIC. - Just saying a fact. Q
•Antifa was used to trigger the constitutional power.
•Soros, Clintons, BHO, Putin etc, are all controlled by three families, The Rothschild's + 2 more, one was removed by DJT - that would be BUSH, the other two I speculate to be Romanov & the M Bormann family.
•The POTUS cannot be impeached. Impossible now.(read never)
•CIA slush funds (read red) prop up and pay for alternative media (FANG).
•Mueller is controlled by trump - he is dirty, DJT has him for Haiti, and 911, he is a joke running a sham for the dreamers that think they are going to escape justice by a miracle impeachment of the POTUS - its not going to happen.
•Mueller is guilty in the Haiti and Hollywood Pedo network, and the 911 coverup, he has bought some time out of jail to run an inquiry. He will go to jail soon.
•BHO bugged the WH of DJT.
•Now start putting this together.
•The POTUS controls the national guard.
•DJT nominated someone to control every agency except ONE - it was the Federal Reserve. (the key is the money).
•Pelosi survives because of State Secrets. - only.
•Many, nearly all Foreign heads of state are dirty players.
•Some things must remain classified to the very end, NK is not run by Kim, he is an actor in the Play - we are at the end now, so I think NK is Run by the M Bormann family (the NAZI PARTY CONTROLLED BY ROMONOV) more on Nazi stuff when Q metions them later in his posts.
•BHO booby trapped the WH for DJT with the same tech that made the US embassy staff vacate the Cuban embassy, advanced weapons - to kill the POTUS with radio waves.
•The WORLD is at a stalemate, read exactly like 1913, all the nations and leaders are compromised and blackmailed, to such an extent that right now nothing can be done but play the game, The POTUS knows all the information.
•There will be arrests.
•Ignore the doubters.
•False information is being fed to the STUPID PEOPLE.
•There will be arrests.
•BHO paid Israel $30b in the last days of his presidency to refund, and repay the BRIDGE fund to get HRC elected 2016, no one donated they subscribed and got their money back +++, through dirtyplayer Israel. The POMC was the SOROS slush fund shut down by Sessions. n.b. no one can sell any more because there is no buyer.
•Military took control with Trump.
•Four Carriers where in the Pacific to control dirty player Japan, who were trying to use NK nuclear threat to start WW3.
•BHO gave (personally) all the tech and nuclear secrets of the USA to NK, Iran has no nuclear tech, but BHO negotiated the sale of Iranian Missile (delivery mule) to NK so with his Tech, and the purchased missiles Kim could start WW3, that what the POTUS is so upset about, BHO paid 10x value to Iran for old missile that was 100 times better than Kim missiles. Kim got them for free, BHO paid for them with RED money.
•The USA has a new suite of great weapons, we used some on rocket man.
•Trust the Military we are you.
•The Donna B. book was a DJT production, she is owned.
•Canada is a bad actor. The POTUS controls the narrative, he has 50m + users on Twitter, he sets the news, even bad like Mueller BS is DJT news too. The media owners are CIA assets, they have been since the early 60's, they are the leakers, they have had no authorisation to leak, they are not protected by a legitimate source, read all media companies are bankrupt as of yesterday.
•False Flag events (school shootings) are deep state events. ISIS was a GHWB, & WJC + BHO invention, for WW3 preparation, it was funded by old king Saud the POTUS has fixed SA for now.
•What is Q clearance - what hint does that explitly refer to? QDDD - the state department. HRC was the person in the State department that set up QDDD to integrate with COG for the WW3 the USA was to loose, to win. Russia is a friend - Q Iran is a friend - Q The enemy is Israel Democrats call Russia an enemy. The Canadian PM is so important because he like the Australian PM is the legitimate face of the NAZI party on the international stage. •Q is in the Whitehouse with the POTUS.
That was a good summary. Thanks for putting all this together