Does anyone believe this recount in Pennsylvania for Senator Casey is actually going to be legitimate even my 6th grade nephew said what's stopping them from taking the existing ballots and anyone that didn't vote for a senator coloring in that Circle sometimes the smartest stuff comes from the youngest kids...
I would hope they have those Ballots in tamper proof boxes locked up so that can't happen but the way they're acting who knows very desperate
A forensic examination will be able to detect scribbling patterns. Whether you know it or not, as you're scribbling in a simple dot or writing a word, you do it the same every time. From where it starts to the pattern your scribble makes. Any foreign scribbles with different patterns is easily detectable.
I'm certain they can also detect ink dating and even the slightest change in color variation but who should have to do all that for an election that is clearly lost
Hell no.