Green is: Ukraine must fight until Victory - IMO, it is a measure of patriotism, together-in-the-struggle-ness, and overall narrative strength.
Dark Blue is: Peace now. Significant is that this measure has crested into the majority of Ukrainians surveyed.
Light Blue dots: Don't wanna say, go away. It's a measure of fear, IMO, ducking for cover. Why not? Because they may betray themselves, and face consequences.
Graph needs to be explained as to which line is which opinion. I think I know, but don't want to go beyond the truth. So tell us, or label it.
Um, the key is right at the top?
Green is: Ukraine must fight until Victory - IMO, it is a measure of patriotism, together-in-the-struggle-ness, and overall narrative strength.
Dark Blue is: Peace now. Significant is that this measure has crested into the majority of Ukrainians surveyed.
Light Blue dots: Don't wanna say, go away. It's a measure of fear, IMO, ducking for cover. Why not? Because they may betray themselves, and face consequences.
The last measure has also dropped in the last year, which may indicate that they contributed to the rise of the Dark Blue line.
Thus, people are hopping off the 'won't say' fence and wanting peace.