Not all America is zionist espescially in here bit I understand his point of the movement being infiltrated and you often see it's influence in here. America's religions are infiltrated and the beliefs the isael of today is equal to the biblical Israel is the proof of its deception. Also, the influence that blindness people have to the plan as it has so far been carried out os another indicator. We should be rejoicing as of it's over already. Most of the deep states control has been neutralized including deep state Israel.
Not all America is zionist espescially in here bit I understand his point of the movement being infiltrated and you often see it's influence in here. America's religions are infiltrated and the beliefs the isael of today is equal to the biblical Israel is the proof of its deception. Also, the influence that blindness people have to the plan as it has so far been carried out os another indicator. We should be rejoicing as of it's over already. Most of the deep states control has been neutralized including deep state Israel.