No longer shop at Target or Walmart due to their insane woke ass policies. Have saved tons of money making do or doing without. Sundries and first aid stuff I buy online. Clothing comes from Thrift shops where I find really good, serviceable items that I wear or refashion. I learned to sew and tailor clothes so I buy fabric online now and then. I teach these skills to homeschooled young ladies and some males, the latter of whom just want to learn how to mend or sew a button on properly.
I graduated in the 1970s when home ec was still a thing. Several guys joined because they heard there was food (cookies!)...and pretty girls. These guys were a lot of fun in class. The teacher had them sew vests and a tie while we girls sewed skirts or simple dresses. Our Christmas tea fashion show for the PTA was a hit because the guys really rocked their plaid or solid vests and fat 70's ties. Good memories!
I graduated from High School in 1970. We had home ec in my high school. To this day I wish I had signed up for those classes because of the "pretty girls". But at my school there was not one guy in home ec classes. I could have been a trail blazer and would have become the first.
No longer shop at Target or Walmart due to their insane woke ass policies. Have saved tons of money making do or doing without. Sundries and first aid stuff I buy online. Clothing comes from Thrift shops where I find really good, serviceable items that I wear or refashion. I learned to sew and tailor clothes so I buy fabric online now and then. I teach these skills to homeschooled young ladies and some males, the latter of whom just want to learn how to mend or sew a button on properly.
I took home ec in HS to be around the pretty girls and actually learned some life skills. Next year more guys enrolled.
I graduated in the 1970s when home ec was still a thing. Several guys joined because they heard there was food (cookies!)...and pretty girls. These guys were a lot of fun in class. The teacher had them sew vests and a tie while we girls sewed skirts or simple dresses. Our Christmas tea fashion show for the PTA was a hit because the guys really rocked their plaid or solid vests and fat 70's ties. Good memories!
I graduated from High School in 1970. We had home ec in my high school. To this day I wish I had signed up for those classes because of the "pretty girls". But at my school there was not one guy in home ec classes. I could have been a trail blazer and would have become the first.
I still think fondly of those days. You ladies were really beautiful. Still are.