"David Rockefeller had me trained as a spy. So I was a sex slave of course and I was an elite sex slave now and I was trained as a spy through the mind control training. And so That week I was sleeping with men and then I would go report on their weaknesses or their sexual preferences to David Rockefeller... For example, or if he knows what they want then you can give it to them sexually so…
(Pierre Trudeau) I could never please him as long as I was alive…
That's how scary that was. You could never please him? If I were if I was alive…What does that mean? It means that he couldn't kill me because at that point I was not a throwaway child. And he scared me enough so that I then tell Rockefeller that that's what he wants a child to kill. Then you understand that the next time he can. If he wants to use that he can use it.. He can use that information.
So how many of these celebrities abused you during that specific event that you were at for you to come back and report to David? Oh God, I don't even remember. I was very busy."
I do (believe her). Not so much for the stories she describes, but because the stories make so much sense when corruption, greed, and power/control hungry vices go unchecked. I may change my mind (about believing her)…..or not…..but right now I think she makes some incredibly revealing points! Also, I’ll never stop fighting for truth (and I know you wont stop, too, purkiss80😃💯❤️🔥🙏)
God bless her, and I pray she looks to God for her strength, courage, and fortitude in her journey on this earth.
Pierre Trudeau spent his last years in Montreal walking peacefully from his home to downtown Montreal. I remember seeing him a few times at a restaurant called Boustan on Crescent Street.
Do you believe her?
"David Rockefeller had me trained as a spy. So I was a sex slave of course and I was an elite sex slave now and I was trained as a spy through the mind control training. And so That week I was sleeping with men and then I would go report on their weaknesses or their sexual preferences to David Rockefeller... For example, or if he knows what they want then you can give it to them sexually so… (Pierre Trudeau) I could never please him as long as I was alive…
That's how scary that was. You could never please him? If I were if I was alive…What does that mean? It means that he couldn't kill me because at that point I was not a throwaway child. And he scared me enough so that I then tell Rockefeller that that's what he wants a child to kill. Then you understand that the next time he can. If he wants to use that he can use it.. He can use that information.
So how many of these celebrities abused you during that specific event that you were at for you to come back and report to David? Oh God, I don't even remember. I was very busy."
https://video.t wimg.com/ext_tw_video/1861524025488322560/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/jJGKovZxUQ5J1yZp.mp4?
The other one who wrote the book Trance-Formation of America talked about the Turdeau Senior being sadistic and liked to torture her.
Cathy O'Brien
I do (believe her). Not so much for the stories she describes, but because the stories make so much sense when corruption, greed, and power/control hungry vices go unchecked. I may change my mind (about believing her)…..or not…..but right now I think she makes some incredibly revealing points! Also, I’ll never stop fighting for truth (and I know you wont stop, too, purkiss80😃💯❤️🔥🙏)
God bless her, and I pray she looks to God for her strength, courage, and fortitude in her journey on this earth.
Yes, she does.... and We Will not stop fighting...😉😎🙏🏻
Pierre Trudeau spent his last years in Montreal walking peacefully from his home to downtown Montreal. I remember seeing him a few times at a restaurant called Boustan on Crescent Street.
Just think how many children are "throw away"!