Liberal Women Protest Trump's Victory With a 'Primal Scream' on Lake Michigan (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew
As Democrats try and find ways to cope with Donald Trump’s stunning election victory, some women in Wisconsin are trying some different.
We have to pray for these people, not laugh at them (okay... we can laugh at first, then pray :-) ). Not only from human perspective, but even from spirituality aspect. Their negativity can affect others, since we're all connected.
They are suffering in their own illusory bubbles that media created. Its like they are in a dream state from where they can't get out.
imagine if you will (fill in the blank).
Give them a good push and baptise them all. Maybe they will see the light ?
Well, that's retarded.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. The power of one. The power of two. The power of manyyyyyyyyyyy. Kek, kettty,kekkkkkkkk
They are embarrassing all of the good women of this earth. 🙄