The entire transition Will Be PRIVATELY FUNDED, Not to Use tax-payer Dollars, GSA Technology, or Government Buildings
• What this means…?
It means Trumps MAGA administration has decided to go dark and will is creating a closed circuit loop of communication and security.
Trump’s administration will not be using GSA provided cell phones, computers, offices or “any technology” provided by the GSA.
• Why?
I can only speculate, but I have to imagine it’s most likely because they’re trying to prevent the same spying and deep-state surveillance scenario that Obama set up in 2016-2017…
A lot of bad people will not be sleeping well knowing they have no absolutely no idea what’s coming…
The entire transition Will Be PRIVATELY FUNDED, Not to Use tax-payer Dollars, GSA Technology, or Government Buildings
• What this means…? It means Trumps MAGA administration has decided to go dark and will is creating a closed circuit loop of communication and security.
Trump’s administration will not be using GSA provided cell phones, computers, offices or “any technology” provided by the GSA.
• Why? I can only speculate, but I have to imagine it’s most likely because they’re trying to prevent the same spying and deep-state surveillance scenario that Obama set up in 2016-2017…
A lot of bad people will not be sleeping well knowing they have no absolutely no idea what’s coming…
Nessun Dorma = None shall Sleep
🧢 Minds Ascending 🙏