No, I didn’t fall for it. But you’re right. I only remember what the media put out there. This was a couple of years after The Passion of the Christ. I didn’t know about the evils of Hollywood then. I still liked Mel. I knew there was more to the story but didn’t know how to dig back then. I was still staying away from the internet then, at least social sites. If I remember right, MySpace was the big social media rage then or shortly after.
If it did come from a fabricated article, they were very skilled in how they presented it. I remember the press about it.
Aka you fell for the hit-job against a patriot.
You only remember what the fake news media wanted you to remember
No, I didn’t fall for it. But you’re right. I only remember what the media put out there. This was a couple of years after The Passion of the Christ. I didn’t know about the evils of Hollywood then. I still liked Mel. I knew there was more to the story but didn’t know how to dig back then. I was still staying away from the internet then, at least social sites. If I remember right, MySpace was the big social media rage then or shortly after.