Amen, IO recommend connecting in prayer to him with your soul and not the mind. This is what is meant by praying in the spirt. This is what they have hidden from the people.
Not his face but his presence and glory. Our clay bodies can not handle to see God as he is, the power is so great you will drop dead and be a vegetable the rest of your life. I then understood why God appeared as burning bush to Moses.
The power is that of 100 super nova's going off and all the nukes we have . They would be a cap in toy pistol compared to Gods power. I am not sure if this even does justice. If God shows you his power just remember this. God would not show you this and harm you. You will be safe and unharmed.
All Glory to God who I ask in prayer each day to guide my steps and share his wisdom. I was guided to this.
Same, anon. it's pretty amazing to see glimmers how he works through us all, isn't it?
Amen, IO recommend connecting in prayer to him with your soul and not the mind. This is what is meant by praying in the spirt. This is what they have hidden from the people.
True.. you can see His face if you do.
Not his face but his presence and glory. Our clay bodies can not handle to see God as he is, the power is so great you will drop dead and be a vegetable the rest of your life. I then understood why God appeared as burning bush to Moses.
The power is that of 100 super nova's going off and all the nukes we have . They would be a cap in toy pistol compared to Gods power. I am not sure if this even does justice. If God shows you his power just remember this. God would not show you this and harm you. You will be safe and unharmed.
Me too. I love you Father†, thank You†. I love you guys, too. God† is SO good.
Amen, I join you in giving thanks to God.