Father use JFK Jr with the platform you've given him, in the Trump administration to expose and bring down this whole corrupt medical Temple, that is in opposition to your perfect will being done on Earth! For your word says, "BELOVED I DESIRE ABOVE ALL THINGS, THAT YOU PROSPER, BE IN HEALTH, EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS" (3John 2) Father this medical system is playing god with your creation, trying to deny them you're will and your promises, bring them to their knees and show them that you and you alone are God, and you will not be mocked. I asked this of you in JESUS NAME along with all those who agree with this prayer.
Father use JFK Jr with the platform you've given him, in the Trump administration to expose and bring down this whole corrupt medical Temple, that is in opposition to your perfect will being done on Earth! For your word says, "BELOVED I DESIRE ABOVE ALL THINGS, THAT YOU PROSPER, BE IN HEALTH, EVEN AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS" (3John 2) Father this medical system is playing god with your creation, trying to deny them you're will and your promises, bring them to their knees and show them that you and you alone are God, and you will not be mocked. I asked this of you in JESUS NAME along with all those who agree with this prayer.
printing that out and sticking it on my wall.