Oh yeah - during my “COVID” ER visitation after I told the “Doctor” that I wasn’t vaccinated, he said he wasn’t going to do anything for me until I developed pneumonia, and then he’d let “Mother Nature take care of me.” This in spite of my obvious need for supplemental oxygen, antibiotics, and corticosteroids. We couldn’t get out of there fast enough! (Got ahold of another medical professional who got me the right treatment and within a couple of days I was on the road to recovery.)
Had a coworker end up in the same hospital at the same time and he caught a month-long stint at the place. He lost about 40 pounds (mostly muscle mass) and three years later he still hasn’t fully recovered from that experience. He’s a shell of his former self.
Horrible and I hope there is a mass action suit you can be part of some how. what can we unvaxxed do.... i suspect, not a damn thing but enjoy gitmo trials.... I want Fauci tortured.
Half of the entire medical people at least, need removal from the system
Oh yeah - during my “COVID” ER visitation after I told the “Doctor” that I wasn’t vaccinated, he said he wasn’t going to do anything for me until I developed pneumonia, and then he’d let “Mother Nature take care of me.” This in spite of my obvious need for supplemental oxygen, antibiotics, and corticosteroids. We couldn’t get out of there fast enough! (Got ahold of another medical professional who got me the right treatment and within a couple of days I was on the road to recovery.)
Had a coworker end up in the same hospital at the same time and he caught a month-long stint at the place. He lost about 40 pounds (mostly muscle mass) and three years later he still hasn’t fully recovered from that experience. He’s a shell of his former self.
Horrible and I hope there is a mass action suit you can be part of some how. what can we unvaxxed do.... i suspect, not a damn thing but enjoy gitmo trials.... I want Fauci tortured.
Half of the entire medical people at least, need removal from the system
Good thing that you didn't get the vaxx at the hosp "to help you recover"
I'm too much of a hot head to say "well thanks anyway" and leave with a handshake. I'd say some very bad things.