Is that how you've internalized the story? Is that because you studied it carefully and arrived at this conclusion, or because phrasing it this way makes it easier for you to lie to yourself?
Don't know why you say it's a lie. What is the big discrepancy you think? He destroyed (murdered and killed) all life on the planet save for the creatures that could fit into Noah's magical boat.
You are ignoring the fact that there was a REASON not a bad day. Reread the story note the child sacrifice and nephilim. Mankind was being polluted to a point our very existence was becoming cattle for his other creations. Our free will prevented him from forcing humans to worship him instead of the fallen angels. It was a bad day for us and only a bad day for him if he actually cared about his creation. I personally believe that it grieved him deeply to make that choice so yes it was a bad day for God.WE framed it as a story about following the rules or else but the deeper truth is the WHY of the rules. He didn’t destroy the whole planet btw he destroyed the polluted so that he could save the rest. I think this was what Akira2025 took as a lie the statement God had a bad day so destroyed the world is patently false. I am assuming you have not been exposed to the whole story since popular culture makes it more about hedonism being bad however THAT is not the truth just a way to make God look like a prude and creating a distance between us and a loving creator.
I mean didn't he have a bad day and destroy all life on our planet? Very far from without sin by his own definition.
Is that how you've internalized the story? Is that because you studied it carefully and arrived at this conclusion, or because phrasing it this way makes it easier for you to lie to yourself?
I'm sorry your father disappointed you so much.
Don't know why you say it's a lie. What is the big discrepancy you think? He destroyed (murdered and killed) all life on the planet save for the creatures that could fit into Noah's magical boat.
You are ignoring the fact that there was a REASON not a bad day. Reread the story note the child sacrifice and nephilim. Mankind was being polluted to a point our very existence was becoming cattle for his other creations. Our free will prevented him from forcing humans to worship him instead of the fallen angels. It was a bad day for us and only a bad day for him if he actually cared about his creation. I personally believe that it grieved him deeply to make that choice so yes it was a bad day for God.WE framed it as a story about following the rules or else but the deeper truth is the WHY of the rules. He didn’t destroy the whole planet btw he destroyed the polluted so that he could save the rest. I think this was what Akira2025 took as a lie the statement God had a bad day so destroyed the world is patently false. I am assuming you have not been exposed to the whole story since popular culture makes it more about hedonism being bad however THAT is not the truth just a way to make God look like a prude and creating a distance between us and a loving creator.
He finally had enough. Close enough to what I said. Then he killed ALL LIFE except the things on the magic boat.