This is the "Jerry Springer mentality"...... shaking your head and saying "OH NO HE DIDN'T!!!!" We have started to accept verbal insults in lieu of actual justice. In the past, when someone was "destroyed" or "slain" they ceased to exist. Now, it's just another form of insult instead of actual justice.
Your definition of "slay" is different than mine.
so what does it mean?
This is the "Jerry Springer mentality"...... shaking your head and saying "OH NO HE DIDN'T!!!!" We have started to accept verbal insults in lieu of actual justice. In the past, when someone was "destroyed" or "slain" they ceased to exist. Now, it's just another form of insult instead of actual justice.
Oh joy! Springerism justice!! LOL
The best part is they can no longer hide behind the 5th. Congress has some questions for him now? You betcha!!
Thes people are stupid. Popcorn!!!
I'm all for slaying and destroying the Dems ---- but, using tools.... not words.