Lately, in thinking of the broad landscape of the Democratic Party (wreckage, corruption, and misasma) and ludicrous proposals for AOC to be a Presidential candidate, the thought occurred to me that there is one Democrat who---whether he knows it or not---is poised to lead the Party out of its morass: John Fetterman. It's not clear that he has been co-opted by any vested interests, and his remarks have been increasingly reasonable and common sense. The Democrat Party could do (already has done) much worse than emulate John Fetterman. I don't think he has disgraced himself with terminal wokeism. It was the strangest thought I've had all year, the more so because it seemed to make sense as I thought on it.
Just do a mental "taste test." Pick any Democrat House member and compare him/her to Fetterman, and ask yourself, "Which one would I allow to remain?" Schiff? Swalwell? Nadler? Pelosi? Do you see what I mean?
Fetterman 2.0 ? Because the Fetterman that went into Walter Reed was 100% not the same Fetterman that came out. The first one needed a fucking speak and spell, and this one speaks perfect English.
It's called healing. When I checked into Tacoma General a dozen years ago, I was on a dying path to heart failure. When I came out, I hurt like hell but my heart was good for another 50 years. Imagine that. Injuries are not always permanent.
In this case, no. He was only in for a few weeks and all of a sudden he's healed? Come on. He didn't even look the same.
I was in only a few weeks for my open-heart surgery, and I probably didn't look the same afterward. I sure didn't feel the same. TSA X-rays can see the titanium wire holding me together. I even look different after a haircut.
You have a stroke---or recover from one---and find out how drastic the changes can be. (And I don't agree that "he didn't even look the same.")