killerspacerobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Absolutely correct. And this means that NATO (U.S.) would open the door to tit-for-tat targeting by Russian systems. U.S. bases on European soil (e.g., Germany) would be logical targets.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Known by whom? On the basis of what? Nothing unusual about a Jewish family choosing a Jewish identity symbol dating to the 4th century, and officially recognized by the King of Bohemia in 1354.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not heard of exceptional changes in regional patterns. Certainly not in my region, for as long as I have been alive (73 years). California has been suffering drought, but California ALWAYS suffers drought to one degree or another. It is a characteristically arid region. Nothing has changed about the occurrence of hurricanes or tornadoes. We influence local weather conditions through the "heat island" syndrome, resulting from forest clearing and building and road construction. The Dust Bowl conditions of the midwest came and went well before the "climate change" was supposed to be happening.

So, I don't give much credence to "weather modification," unless you are talking about specific opportunities in a day or a week to attempt cloud seeding.

And, in general, the whole "climate change" theme is a complete fraud, with mendicant pseudo-scientists finding justifications for concluding a disaster is impending (and please send me more grant money). Lately, a major study has found that carbon dioxide concentration level follows temperature trends; it doesn't set them. Since a cause cannot be preceded by the effect, this blows the whole CO2 demonization program.

killerspacerobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is bullshit. If you want to believe in magic, that's up to you, but I don't have to give it any respect whatsoever, being a baptized Christian.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of Monday-morning quarterbacking among those who don't spend much time in Trump's shoes. Many think he was being too restrained and defensive, but that doesn't seem to comport with the many times he declared that she and Biden were DESTROYING THE NATION. Surprisingly, she really didn't try to deny it, but just acted like he didn't say it.

I am thinking that the debate format was a pretext for Trump to establish "This is Me and that is Her." Implicitly: Do you want a guy who can call out the problems of the nation starkly and has the determination and track record to deal with them---or a coiffed poseur full of sneers and arrogance who helped create all the problems and can't be bothered to say anything definite?

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The more I watch Trump, the more I begin to understand his method. He is, by nature, a fighter. There is something important about every fight, and is never to allow a slight to your honor to go unrefuted. If you just let it pass, then it shows everyone you are not manly enough to stand up for yourself. So, he never lets it pass. He never allows anyone to count coup over him. In part, that is his way of never letting them have the last word. This is not chess; it is boxing.

killerspacerobot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, Trump was confronting someone who is part of any cabal that arranged his assassination, and actively destroying the nation. He would be psychopathic not to be angry. Anger peaks up the adrenaline and reflexes. He was like a man in a boxing match.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump's remark to Sean Hannity following the debate is that when you beat somebody in the ring, the first thing they do afterward is to demand a repeat match. Trump's model of conflict is not chess, it is boxing.

killerspacerobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gee, I have a hymn number 666 in my church's hymnal. Does that mean it is Satanic? Or are you letting numerology go to your head?

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump sat down with Sean Hannity in the spin parlor. Hannity asked him if he would tangle with Harris in a second debate. Trump said he would mull it over, but he said (paraphrasing): "You know, that is a sign she knows she lost the debate. In boxing, if you beat somebody in the ring, the first thing they do afterwards is ask for a rematch." So, he wasn't overly disposed to a rematch. His assessment was that he did good.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then we are talking about inter-state politics, not anything technological. This is not much different from the various uses to which the Colorado and Columbia rivers are put.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, then. I have a policy of taking people at their word---because sometimes the most absurd things are proposed seriously. I like popcorn.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now that does sound interesting. Have you been able to contact the airport or air traffic control authorities to determine what is going on? Possibly it is an air surveying operation.

killerspacerobot 6 points ago +6 / -0

That explains her coherence through 90 minutes of fray. I was thinking, "Damn, she certainly learned her lines. Where did she get the discipline?" It also explains her facial expression passing from panicky dismay to smug disdain, as she goes from not having a clue to having her lines passed to her.

I think Trump should certainly retruth this post and let the bystanders get all excited.

killerspacerobot 16 points ago +16 / -0

More like she had "all the responses." One could hardly call them "answers." Most of them were answer-avoidance by insulted-dignity-objections.

killerspacerobot 11 points ago +11 / -0

He was totally focused. I know that look in his eyes. That's the look of a man who is observing, listening, assessing, and calculating. Pretty much the look of a man in a one-round boxing match---against 3 opponents.

killerspacerobot 13 points ago +13 / -0

Relax more and sicken less. She was rehearsed---which means that her answers came across as canned. She was not poised, she was posed, like a mannequin. There were moments where her eyes betrayed her by widening in panic. Anybody with a brain would realize she was alleging wildly and gaslighting. And failing to answer questions. At the end, we know more about the fact that we know less.

Trump had a very concentrated and baleful look. Nothing fake about that. His demeanor and message were completely in synch. Harris was laughing off her record all the way through the debate. Anyone who doesn't understand Trump's serious concern is already Part of the Problem.

killerspacerobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

One plane? You have identified it by tail number? It sounds more likely that a number of separate planes have flown over your location. Contrails are the result of atmospheric humidity saturation. If airplanes fly through a region of such saturation, they will leave contrails.

If you see a lot of tiremarks over a stretch of highway, do you conclude that ONE VEHICLE is passing to and fro---or that a number of unrelated vehicles have simply passed through?

killerspacerobot -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, they are slowly bringing you to what the normals have known for years.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Cloud seeding does not always work, but you can go tell the farmers suffering from drought that you have the power to alleviate it---but won't.

The rest is utter nonsense. No "star trek." No "space laser." No "large spinning mirror" (where did that come from?). We never did "build that." You need to distinguish between reality and fantasy.

killerspacerobot 0 points ago +1 / -1

People did and they weren't. I remember watching an article about it on television when I was in early grade school. Plenty of people facing drought were glad of it when it worked. Drought is not funny. You turn on the tap and nothing comes out. You ask your neighbor for a gallon, and they are also dry. The neighborhood is dry. The township is dry. The province is dry. How do you find water? That's what everyone is now facing in Zambia...but it's not newsworthy.

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