I work in healthcare. So does brother in law. Since Trump 1, it’s been coming. Equality, which if based on merit, was the entry point. And perhaps even before that, with Obamacare, which our business model gave them the template, it may have started. During first year of Biden, all I heard was “equity”. That’s when I knew.
The shareholders was the govt, regardless of what you thought. Our CEO, making 30 fucking MILLION dollars, did whatever they told him, and most likely was part of the driving force. They thought they were going to be in power forever. Fuck the “customers”, it was about the scratch from the never ending taxpayer.
It was, but still remains if we allow it to survive at all, was to engineer social change. Doctors and nurses are all minorities. Because you know, fuck actual care. And the leadership is bought off to go along.
I have stories of the shit they pulled from an admin level which was just incomprehensible.
I work in healthcare. So does brother in law. Since Trump 1, it’s been coming. Equality, which if based on merit, was the entry point. And perhaps even before that, with Obamacare, which our business model gave them the template, it may have started. During first year of Biden, all I heard was “equity”. That’s when I knew.
The shareholders was the govt, regardless of what you thought. Our CEO, making 30 fucking MILLION dollars, did whatever they told him, and most likely was part of the driving force. They thought they were going to be in power forever. Fuck the “customers”, it was about the scratch from the never ending taxpayer.
It was, but still remains if we allow it to survive at all, was to engineer social change. Doctors and nurses are all minorities. Because you know, fuck actual care. And the leadership is bought off to go along.
I have stories of the shit they pulled from an admin level which was just incomprehensible.
Many of us left the military because of this as well. It was organized destruction