Seems like this chess move of pardoning Hunter was either a knee-jerk stupid ass thing to do or it was a move he was told to make. Frankly, I think it was a massive mistake for him. Optically, he looks like a liar and proving a 2 tiered justice system for elites and plebs. But better yet, Hunter loses his 5th amendment rights, and he has to testify when called because he himself doesn't face prosecution. I think this is far more damaging because Hunter now becomes the star witness against the big guy, but I fully believe "Biden" will pardon himself 5 minutes before he leaves office.
Seems like this chess move of pardoning Hunter was either a knee-jerk stupid ass thing to do or it was a move he was told to make. Frankly, I think it was a massive mistake for him. Optically, he looks like a liar and proving a 2 tiered justice system for elites and plebs. But better yet, Hunter loses his 5th amendment rights, and he has to testify when called because he himself doesn't face prosecution. I think this is far more damaging because Hunter now becomes the star witness against the big guy, but I fully believe "Biden" will pardon himself 5 minutes before he leaves office.