On the spectrum I am seeing and having a hard time explaining in real life is exactly this.
We have those as this guy who is the deceiver. He looks like a good person, over the years says he is. Yet he was never and I believe intentionally was evil.
This was spawned by the people of the USA. They voted for this and when people would expose it would be treated as trash too.
When the opposite side of the woke people get put in their place just as we did to the woke for the past how many years?
I get it. It has to be this way. In the future we will need more people that have the ability to discern better.
There is people out there that I call magical. This is one of those. I worked with a guy for years who not only has Mitts charisma (without his money or fame though) but this magic I see in some people.
It could be a gift from God too and some used it for evil and for good.
Well the guy I worked with was working while intoxicated for the fourth time and almost killed a woman. He was arrested for this one and totaled the company truck.
If I did such a thing I would be fired and put in jail. However these magical people have super powers. Remember this is the 4th dui at the same company. The judge gives him a drive for work allowance, the boss keeps him, and here is the kicker—the woman shows up and is concerned about him and they date for some time.
I do not work with this magic person but every now and then downtown I see him with a group of guys.
All the mfers in the neighborhood of the USA are magic men so to discern actor or rhino to me doesn’t matter. I want these types out and truth returned…. I believe biases will always be around but I prefer men and woman to be biased to truth and good.
When I used to seek God thru religion shopping, I went into Wicca. I know about what they said about charms. Now it did not get me anything but I heard if you could do successful charms, you could be one of those magic people. LOL.
On the spectrum I am seeing and having a hard time explaining in real life is exactly this.
We have those as this guy who is the deceiver. He looks like a good person, over the years says he is. Yet he was never and I believe intentionally was evil.
This was spawned by the people of the USA. They voted for this and when people would expose it would be treated as trash too.
When the opposite side of the woke people get put in their place just as we did to the woke for the past how many years?
I get it. It has to be this way. In the future we will need more people that have the ability to discern better.
What? You do not believe this guy is a Rino? You think he is an actor like Biden?
There is people out there that I call magical. This is one of those. I worked with a guy for years who not only has Mitts charisma (without his money or fame though) but this magic I see in some people.
It could be a gift from God too and some used it for evil and for good.
Well the guy I worked with was working while intoxicated for the fourth time and almost killed a woman. He was arrested for this one and totaled the company truck.
If I did such a thing I would be fired and put in jail. However these magical people have super powers. Remember this is the 4th dui at the same company. The judge gives him a drive for work allowance, the boss keeps him, and here is the kicker—the woman shows up and is concerned about him and they date for some time.
I do not work with this magic person but every now and then downtown I see him with a group of guys.
All the mfers in the neighborhood of the USA are magic men so to discern actor or rhino to me doesn’t matter. I want these types out and truth returned…. I believe biases will always be around but I prefer men and woman to be biased to truth and good.
When I used to seek God thru religion shopping, I went into Wicca. I know about what they said about charms. Now it did not get me anything but I heard if you could do successful charms, you could be one of those magic people. LOL.