We see Snow White on these drops, too, and nobody seems sure of what that means. But "Snow White" was a German fairy tale and in the story, she ran into a dark and terrifying woodland which sounds just like the Black Forest mentioned here. She was trying to hide from a huntsman who had been sent by the evil queen to kill her.
The Black Forest is actually in the Baden-Wurttemberg section of Germany, not Austria, but sure seems to fit with mentions of Snow White.
My time zone it shows up as post was shared at 6:22pm, not using the 4:22pm in the photo.
I'm not sure what time zone is used for the proofs, but just found this interesting...
Searched 'dopey', it's also referenced to Alawaleed Talal but found this one interesting because of the rumored pardons going on...
We see Snow White on these drops, too, and nobody seems sure of what that means. But "Snow White" was a German fairy tale and in the story, she ran into a dark and terrifying woodland which sounds just like the Black Forest mentioned here. She was trying to hide from a huntsman who had been sent by the evil queen to kill her.
The Black Forest is actually in the Baden-Wurttemberg section of Germany, not Austria, but sure seems to fit with mentions of Snow White.
Maybe it was Alwaleed after all with the Syria stuff currently going on.