165 BAN THE DEVIL: Russia Designates the US-Based Satanic Temple as an Undesirable Organization, Blasphemous of Traditional Religion (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 72 days ago by damnImgood 72 days ago by damnImgood +165 / -0 BAN THE DEVIL: Russia Designates the US-Based Satanic Temple as an Undesirable Organization, Blasphemous of Traditional Religion... One of the best things about having a country that’s not subjected to the Globalist overlords is that you are free to enact common-sense policies and decisions without having to fear backlash from ‘civil society’ (a.k.a. 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The bear from the north destroying satan's minions! Its going to be biblical.