I've been out of the loop and giving my brain a bit of a rest, but I can't help but be fascinated by this situation and it's all I see on my X feed. Is this the sky event? Is it the distraction we've been expecting, is this real? What's everyone's take on the legitimacy of the Drone situation?
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Something is going on. The hubby is on X and every hour there's new sightings. Of course the UFO stay away from my area around Newark Airport, we're a lost cause here..hahaha.. I don't care..if I see UFO in the sky I'll probably wave and say hello and ask them to help us take down the RHinos, the DS, Pelosi, Gates, give them a Christmas list of naughty people
Fox News reports the drones/UFO's in Morris County NJ are disrupting electronics of resident's vehicles. The craft hovered above them, the clock in their car changed time, then the clock went back to normal after they drove off.