The cabal has always planned for a war between NATO and Russia over the Ukraine. However, Russia has the upper hand in such a potential struggle, since they provide all the energy to Europe. The cabal has therefore has Syria in its sights since a pipeline from the middle east to Europe would have to go through Syria. Well Syria said no or wanted a fair cut, so Obama founded ISIS and sic’d ‘em on Syria whole the news made up a bunch of “they have WMDs”-tier shit about Assad to justify it. Russia, to poke a stick in the cabal’s eye, backed Assad, and President Trump delivered victory to them when he cut funding for ISIS.
Rebuilding ISIS took four years and billions of dollars and weapons originally sent to the Ukraine. Now, they’re back. There is still a need for a direct ME>Europe energy corridor before the cabal can defeat Russia. There is also a need for a war the cabal can blame on President Trump the next four years,
I think the part we don’t understand is why the cabal created and paid ISIS to destroy ancient ruins.
All official data availailable (of course it is MSM media) is thise HTS rebels are "former" Al-Nusra front.
Al-Nusra is Al-Queda branch.
Something very wrong is happening here and we have not studied enough or we were fooled by our enemies all the time.
The cabal has always planned for a war between NATO and Russia over the Ukraine. However, Russia has the upper hand in such a potential struggle, since they provide all the energy to Europe. The cabal has therefore has Syria in its sights since a pipeline from the middle east to Europe would have to go through Syria. Well Syria said no or wanted a fair cut, so Obama founded ISIS and sic’d ‘em on Syria whole the news made up a bunch of “they have WMDs”-tier shit about Assad to justify it. Russia, to poke a stick in the cabal’s eye, backed Assad, and President Trump delivered victory to them when he cut funding for ISIS.
Rebuilding ISIS took four years and billions of dollars and weapons originally sent to the Ukraine. Now, they’re back. There is still a need for a direct ME>Europe energy corridor before the cabal can defeat Russia. There is also a need for a war the cabal can blame on President Trump the next four years,
I think the part we don’t understand is why the cabal created and paid ISIS to destroy ancient ruins.
They destroy it everywhere.
I suppose it is about "previous" "ancient" thermonuclear and biological war or something like that. Yes,I have no proof but it makes perfect sense.
Did you ever read Jno Cook’s theory on it?