Syria is in the news, Assad allegedly fled to Russia
This is just the latest development in a very long line of events regarding Syria,
Especially within the context of “Greater Israel”
Right here we have (Jew-ish) General Wesley Clark oddly telling everyone that the US plans to attack 7 middle eastern nations, as if he is having some sort of moral dilemma
Remember all the different times since then that they have instigated actions against Syria?
They told us Assad was using “chemical weapons” against his own people.
This is the big reveal for some of us, when we went from understanding “crisis actors”
to understanding “conflict actors”
these are people who pretend to be in “conflicts”, such as in Syria
The chemical weapons attack in Syria was FAKE NEWS, and the whole world called bullshit on it
Assad got to stay another day
We have what i consider to be not merely a “rigged” election in 2024,
but an outright STAGED election in 2024
but i digress…
But anyway, here’s Trump being “president elect”, which is a mere formality of language, but Trump is still technically just a regular US citizen at this point.
I voted for Trump, BUT… i remember old allegations against other presidents elect,
So while its awesome that hes vetting and filling his top spots,
Whats NOT cool is Trump making official visits with foreign heads of state. Pretty sure thats illegal…
BUT be that as it may,
the interesting point about all this is that “because Trump got elected…x,y,z … happened”
So big bad Trump gets elected,
so Putin and Zelensky (Jew-ish) collectively shit their pants,
because they know the fake war in Ukraine is being defunded by “Trump”
and at the same time, some Mossad backed proxy fighters rise up in Syria,
And Assad “flees” to Russia…
Well thats convenient, for “Greater Israel”
Now that Syria is without a strong man, Israel is free to annex Syria
Israel faked getting attacked on Oct 7
We know the routine.
Music Concert was moved at last minute to new venue close to border;
No official reason WHY concert was moved to new venue, ::: shrugs:::
All these “hostages taken” are just more propaganda
There are no hostages;
But “hostages” are necessary for narrative develoment,
to frame Palestinians as bad guys, and Israel as good guys
We know the playbook.
So now what?
Israel has utterly destroyed Gaza. The infrastructure.
They made it “uninhabitable” for Palestinians,
So whats a Palestinian to do?
Become a “refugee” of course!
And they get shipped off to Europe or America
And Israel bulldozes the site
and rebuilds as Greater Israel later
Supposedly there was a worldwide call-out FROM israel to ALL jews worldwide, to return to ISRAEL.
This would make sense logistically.
They launch COVID as a 2-pronged bioweapon
the COVID bioweapon
the “VACCINE” bioweapon
So MILLIONS of democrats just randomly failed to show up at the polls?
Is it because Democrats were more likely to vaccinate, and are therefore more likely to be DEAD by now?
I know more who died of COVID VACCINE, than who died of COVID infection
And yes, they were “likely voters” who voted Democrat
So anyway, theres all this excess death, from “the pandemic”
so thats why they ramped up immigration to the moon.
When ONE immigrant shows up to America, i welcome him with a hug,
But when 10,000 immigrants come to ONE CITY, i ask “who TF is funding this?”
And i find out its ME.
These are the “great white replacement” immigrants that were just conspiracy theory 5 years ago
This is UN policy.
The UN was founded by Rothschild, for the benefit of Rothschild (Jew-ish)
Its a “social construct”,
Meaning it only has as much legitimacy as we give it.
If UN says JUMP, and you JUMP…
Anyway, there are so many big things happening at the same time,
and i hope this post might start a conversation about the bigger picture and the longer view
So there a great white genocide in Europe and America, by bioweapons COVID and VACCINE
“Replacement Migrants” (actual UN language, in their own official documents)
replacement migrants are “human trafficked” from cultures that are incompatible with white culture
Supposedly RAPE is considered a legitimate procreation strategy in some cultures,
And when these immigrants rape a local girl, the immigrant goes to court and gets let off because he doesn’t understand that rape is against the law
Never mind that ignorance of the law has never been an excuse for you,
as a citizen, expecting equal protection under the law
So at the same time UN is flooding white nations with replacement immigrants, Israel is calling ALL Jews back to ISRAEL…worldwide…
So, these Jews who answer the call, and go to (Greater) Israel, will be the “replacement migrants” to replace Palestinians and Syrians and Iraqis, and Jordanians, etc
And American taxpayers get to pay for it all.
There is a disturbing number of Jews in high places in US government
Disturbing number of “DUAL CITIZENS”
They say “dual lotalty is a myth!”
I say “they don’t have “dual loyalty”…
And they really don’t belong in our government
Theres a disturbing number of JEWS who were involved in all levels of government, big pharma, media,
And their shabbos goy, the freemasons
Can i get 100 people to tell me in their own way, where i missed a point, or got it wrong?
Lets flesh it out!
For extra conversation:
to me, the Trump-Biden debate looked FAKE AF, like it was AI generated,
People get mad at me when i imply Trump might be part of some nefarious plot.
Lets look at the facts…
Ronald Reagan was an ACTOR.
Abe Lincoln, was killed by an ACTOR
Arnold Schwarzenneger is an ACTOR
Jesse Ventura is an ACTOR
Donald Trump is an ACTOR
Zelensky is an ACTOR
You are watching a MOVIE
Are you not entertained?
“When the little people need a new hero, we shall supply them with one”
~ freemasons, supposedly