We should just cancel everything MSM...use their tactics on them.
NO acknowledgement
NO links
NO retweets
NO mentioning, discussing
ANY of their swill...
Just COMPLETELY lock them out of ALL relevance whatsoever in EVERY capacity going forward.
Don't get hooked by their lies - AKA "don't feed the trolls" - completely ignore them and don't react to ANYTHING they say.
If WE are the news now...then they're not. So why are we continuing to listen to these agents and operatives - as if we don't fully know that's exactly what they are???
REFUSE to allow them access, importance or attention in OUR CIRCLE focused on TRUTH.
We should just cancel everything MSM...use their tactics on them.
NO acknowledgement
NO links
NO retweets
NO mentioning, discussing
ANY of their swill...
Just COMPLETELY lock them out of ALL relevance whatsoever in EVERY capacity going forward.
Don't get hooked by their lies - AKA "don't feed the trolls" - completely ignore them and don't react to ANYTHING they say.
If WE are the news now...then they're not. So why are we continuing to listen to these agents and operatives - as if we don't fully know that's exactly what they are???
REFUSE to allow them access, importance or attention in OUR CIRCLE focused on TRUTH.
Wow! Nice, really this is the way. We've known they're tactics long enough. Now ignore them and get on with winning. 🐸