Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
Praise God that the food issue is finally being addressed. Things are beginning to happen. I, for one, am sick and tired of being tired all the time. No matter what I do, I can’t remember the last time I woke up and felt rested. I’ve changed my diet and habits. I take my supplements and ivermectin. We buy filtered water and not in plastic single serve bottles. Spent a bunch of money on a bed a couple years ago. I have to buy New Balance shoes as my left foot is messed up from a bunion. They’re the only shoes I can make it out in the world with. I have to spend for good bras. On and on I could go but you get the idea that I’ve worked on this issue from several different angles. I don’t have insurance so I’m not on drugs for any ailment. I’m sure it’s the air and whatever is in the food. We shall see what happens from here. Getting old blows.
Cut out sugar. Your life will change.
Seed oils are a thousand times worse. At least the body knows what to do with sugar.