A trap I see frogs in is that they see an event that the drops fit. It looks like it's all part of a movie. Well it's real. It's not that we or the white hats created the event. It's that we know the playbook. We know how an event will be used. We know what they will do and how they will use it. Knowing that we can controll the situation. They are running out of amunition. It's like knowing a boxer will throw a left hook and then a right. If you know this before hand it's like stopping a turtle in the road. You almost feel sory for it.
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We all know what comes of a white person shooting a black person? We all know the result of a black prson shooting a white person. Think perspectives. What determies the next play? These people are folowing a play book.
It's the same thing, the same game. Watch what they do, why, when, how.