Please do a thread on how to make your own cleaning and personal care products, complete with some recipes you've personally used (we can search online, but tried and true from our crew is best).
Then others can chime in and post their recipes and techniques so we can all begin the "MAHA Protocol for Healthier Living" right least this little piece of it.
I'd do it, but I've only got homemade windex and skunk soap for dogs...
Use unscented Charlies soap instead of TIDE and the other shit with strong fragrances which are really just harmful chemicals you implant into your clothing.
Borax softens the water, TSP adds phosphate back to the detergent making it 10x+ more powerful. This means you can use less of detergent. Use these sparingly! (< 1/4 as much as the detergent)
You can also add baking soda or oxiclean to charlies to make it clean really oily or stained or significantly dirty stuff.
Anon Request:
Please do a thread on how to make your own cleaning and personal care products, complete with some recipes you've personally used (we can search online, but tried and true from our crew is best).
Then others can chime in and post their recipes and techniques so we can all begin the "MAHA Protocol for Healthier Living" right least this little piece of it.
I'd do it, but I've only got homemade windex and skunk soap for dogs...
Oh. That would be wonderful.
I will look into starting that.
Use unscented Charlies soap instead of TIDE and the other shit with strong fragrances which are really just harmful chemicals you implant into your clothing.
It's also WAY cheaper, and you use less of it.
But if you want it to go further, you can do 2 additional things. (or both)
Borax softens the water, TSP adds phosphate back to the detergent making it 10x+ more powerful. This means you can use less of detergent. Use these sparingly! (< 1/4 as much as the detergent)
You can also add baking soda or oxiclean to charlies to make it clean really oily or stained or significantly dirty stuff.
I thought tsp was kinda nasty stuff to mess with - I think back from construction days for degreaser etc.
I had no idea there was food grade tsp... I'll have to read up on that