92 Right, right... Toxic caterpillars! (media.patriots.win) posted 5 days ago by catsfive 5 days ago by catsfive +92 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Those caterpillars are no joke.
They're damn near as dangerous as bulldozers and front end loaders if you run in to them....
Watch out for those Komatsu's as well, they'll kill you!
They make mighty fine Killdozers!
Having lived about 1/4 of my life innawoods, I can verify there are such things as toxic caterpillars. I freaking hate moths, even more than I do stink bugs.
Oak processionary moths are no joke for some. Might only be slightly irritating to some but the same IG1 type reaction can be fatal to others.
I have no idea if it was OPMs in this story, it's just the toxic caterpillar I know most about.
Yup, that'll do it.
Might be their term for gerbiling.
The clintonpillar?
New code word for “Covid Vaccine” - at least experts weren’t mystified this time!