Trust Wray
In response to yesterday's thread, I wondered for YEARS what the actual FUCK it meant. Just speculating, but it could now be interpreted as "Trust The Process" "Trust What Happens To Wray" or "Trust What Happens Even with Wray still around"
a little tricky, but it definitely makes more sense if you put it that way.
I don’t jump to conclusions anymore, patience has been a newly gained asset. If we have learned anything the past few years, there are so many twists and turns, and we don’t even know half the story. Wray can possibly be a double agent playing the role of a woke dem cheerleader to gain trust to so he can enter the inner circle of the swamp. This can be true for others we have grown to distrust.
Imagine Trump and the military asking YOU to play a role, so that America can finally be set on a righteous path, the only drawback is that all of the true patriots will hate you due to the optics of your role. Would you do it for the country?
I do hope we have a great big finale, where all the players are introduced and the public is shown what roles were played. Maybe even marching out a few people we long thought were dead but were actually in witness protection. That may wake up the last few of holdouts.
In the end- we’ll see. Or not. WWG1WGA