Looks like every single person on here missed it. It was the shot that took out United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Heard "around the world" because, obvious* reasons. After which comes the part where:
This is the very first time (since forever) when an event has occurred that has united both the left and the right in but a single shot (pun intended). The very first and biggest sign of a true blue mass awakening. A great awakening, even.
Consider the top 1% the world over quaking in their boots even as we speak. Afraid to walk the streets. Because for the first time in the longest time ever (since whenever it was that the last revolution occurred), one of THEIRS has been taken out. The insurance cunt being the first to go. And no amount of increased "security measures" are going to help 'em here; and they KNOW it.
The storm has begun in all earnest.
*SUPER RICH person targeted for the first time EVER.
Heard this morning that (numbers are approximate) industry average for denials is 16%, and UHC’s average is 38%.
Bear in mind, some doctors/hospitals will put in inflated claim numbers (have seen plenty of those), and some patients will fake things to get claim money. In all three cases, bad actors will write it off as “all part of the game”.
Not sure about recent times, but in the past I actually heard a lot of people being really happy with UHC. Maybe they changed, or maybe they’re skirting the application of Obamacare harder than other companies. All sorts of ways that 38% could be there, and I’m sure that unjustifiable denials are one of many reasons.
Judgment still has to be individual, always, and not group, even in a bad organization, and everyone gets a court date and the right to face their accusers.
The shot heard around the world.
Looks like every single person on here missed it. It was the shot that took out United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Heard "around the world" because, obvious* reasons. After which comes the part where:
This is the very first time (since forever) when an event has occurred that has united both the left and the right in but a single shot (pun intended). The very first and biggest sign of a true blue mass awakening. A great awakening, even.
Consider the top 1% the world over quaking in their boots even as we speak. Afraid to walk the streets. Because for the first time in the longest time ever (since whenever it was that the last revolution occurred), one of THEIRS has been taken out. The insurance cunt being the first to go. And no amount of increased "security measures" are going to help 'em here; and they KNOW it.
The storm has begun in all earnest.
*SUPER RICH person targeted for the first time EVER.
This is not something we should embrace. It's a means of perpetuating the leftist class warfare model.
CEOs are people, some good and some bad. Being wealthy doesn't make you automatically bad just as being poor doesn't make you automatically good.
But that one was responsible for a culture of denying legitimate care, for profit.
Heard this morning that (numbers are approximate) industry average for denials is 16%, and UHC’s average is 38%.
Bear in mind, some doctors/hospitals will put in inflated claim numbers (have seen plenty of those), and some patients will fake things to get claim money. In all three cases, bad actors will write it off as “all part of the game”.
Not sure about recent times, but in the past I actually heard a lot of people being really happy with UHC. Maybe they changed, or maybe they’re skirting the application of Obamacare harder than other companies. All sorts of ways that 38% could be there, and I’m sure that unjustifiable denials are one of many reasons.
Judgment still has to be individual, always, and not group, even in a bad organization, and everyone gets a court date and the right to face their accusers.