It bugged my Mom enough that she didn't want to come over. I sold the house as fast as I could because I thought it could cause a sinkhole, it still might.
As far as vibes, that house had pretty good vibes, even haunted by a tabby cat and the woman that had owned it. She had loved that house and when I fixed something or after I remodeled the kitchen she showed me with her perfume scent, nothing else. I asked her after remodeling the bathroom, I asked if she liked it and I got her scent as an answer. My neighbor came in once and the scent came and my neighbor was shocked to smell her perfume.
It bugged my Mom enough that she didn't want to come over. I sold the house as fast as I could because I thought it could cause a sinkhole, it still might. As far as vibes, that house had pretty good vibes, even haunted by a tabby cat and the woman that had owned it. She had loved that house and when I fixed something or after I remodeled the kitchen she showed me with her perfume scent, nothing else. I asked her after remodeling the bathroom, I asked if she liked it and I got her scent as an answer. My neighbor came in once and the scent came and my neighbor was shocked to smell her perfume.