Please take care in doing so to recognize that the rank and file do not make the orders. If you have an issue with what the US military does, 99% of your issue is most likely with their orders. Which come from Washington D.C. and Langley.
With that said, the presence of our military on US soil has deterred an amount of shit no one could ever quantify.
Ironically, the presence of our military on someone else's soil has caused most of our problems. So it turns out that George Washington was right. Whaaaat a surprise. /s
They've kept us safe from what?
It is very easy to criticize the military.
Please take care in doing so to recognize that the rank and file do not make the orders. If you have an issue with what the US military does, 99% of your issue is most likely with their orders. Which come from Washington D.C. and Langley.
With that said, the presence of our military on US soil has deterred an amount of shit no one could ever quantify.
Ironically, the presence of our military on someone else's soil has caused most of our problems. So it turns out that George Washington was right. Whaaaat a surprise. /s
The Founding Fathers never wanted a standing army.
Yeah, no show of force.
Militia ≠ standing army