The science presented here is well-documented and real, presented in a way that can be followed by normal folk. Keep this article bookmarked for any doctors who are ready to question the baby food journal article summaries they've been accepting for years, which have lied to them.
I’m so grateful to have ArkMedic and others to put these concise articles out that one can bullet point in a friendly discussion that doesn’t blow someone’s brains out with facts. Just knowing about these groups curating data from unverifiable sources is enough to get critical thinking going.
The science presented here is well-documented and real, presented in a way that can be followed by normal folk. Keep this article bookmarked for any doctors who are ready to question the baby food journal article summaries they've been accepting for years, which have lied to them.
I’m so grateful to have ArkMedic and others to put these concise articles out that one can bullet point in a friendly discussion that doesn’t blow someone’s brains out with facts. Just knowing about these groups curating data from unverifiable sources is enough to get critical thinking going.