Pyrazine? Flood of memories. Friends dad in 1988 or so was a machine operator instructor. The class was moving earth and uncovered barrells buried at an old RJ Reynolds site. The barrells contained pyradine. These guys were knee deep in it. There was zero information anywhere in the US. We wrote to Russia to get info on the human effects of this chemical as no one else had conducted studies. I recall getting a letter back, in Russian, with the sickle watermark. Interesting!
Pyrazine? Flood of memories. Friends dad in 1988 or so was a machine operator instructor. The class was moving earth and uncovered barrells buried at an old RJ Reynolds site. The barrells contained pyradine. These guys were knee deep in it. There was zero information anywhere in the US. We wrote to Russia to get info on the human effects of this chemical as no one else had conducted studies. I recall getting a letter back, in Russian, with the sickle watermark. Interesting!