Don’t try to deny it. POTUS Trump for all of his good attributes and intentions continuously pushed “this beautiful shot” at many of his rallies and during many interviews.
Excuses and obfuscations don’t cut it. POTUS Trump needs to come clean about this. Our defending the indefensible is a discredit to us all.
I am quite happy he is POTUS considering the alternative. But he has his faults that need to be pointed out so they can be corrected.
This has been trying to take root and it always fails. Definitions matter. There was two paths. One path was to get people unlocked from- their homes and the other path would be a lot darker. Me I would go everywhere and get yelled at and plus I was deemed -whatever that st… oh yeah.. essential and had papers I threw away if the police pulled me over.
The darker path would have lead to first. People like me would be out in reeducation (concentration) camps for the safety of others and this takes away the whole constitutional rights one would have.
Others would commit suicide because they would hear the propaganda on Twitter and the msm and believe millions are dying and be hopeless.
You think I am wrong or you are on the side of that reality.
The warp sped was required to put these new world order nut jobs in a position they cannot control.
There is no pleasing everyone in any situation. Anyone who believes all should pleased and happy is essentially not capable of seeing or they are for the darker side.
For me. I think every American should have ignored scarf lady and fauci and flipped off the whole darn government the very second they said two weeks to flatten the curve.
If you do not believe me this is what they did Australia and Canada. If they would have gotten away with it in the USA… we would have non2 Amendment right now and honestly we barely have it anyways.
It isn’t that I didn’t/don’t believe that is the plan. But at this point and actually at points along the way to now POTUS Trump should have begun questioning the jab. He really did and does act like a salesman for the jab long after it should have been outlawed.
It is all good. I believe you are a critical thinker and very intelligent. What is awesome about those like you is when things become more clear you will adjust as needed.
Nothing wrong with questioning anything and being honest.
I guarantee you that you are more intelligent than me. I am very intelligent too.
We all have different ways to view things and that is important.
This week I was installing a very large point to point pipe for a private network from one state to another… I have not been involved with this project but my manager put me in it. A year and a half it has been going on.
Most people do not want to offfend others so to speak. I just want to get the job done and be done with it. We have to test these types of connections before we roll it to the entity who will use it.
I ask questions while I am testing it. Because I hear little things.. like clicking errors right.. nothing was ever plugged into the new pipe so how are they seeing errors clocking?
The test lasts a few days then I return. It passes and the tech on the other end says that side passed too. I am on a conf bridge with people waaaaay above my pay grade and should be able to do wasaay more than me. Yet I am that guy… so one of the techs on the phones said a number and I say that number is not this room on two racks. The tech says I will flash the card.. I see it flash. Tell the onsite it guy to run a fiber to that and unplug what is in it and plug this new one if it.
Done —- now if I do what 99 percent of people do. This would still never be done…. I have thousands of scenarios over almost 3 decades I have always done this.
I was the best at Dennys breakfast when I was a little kid. I always connected every dot in order. ;)
Don’t try to deny it. POTUS Trump for all of his good attributes and intentions continuously pushed “this beautiful shot” at many of his rallies and during many interviews.
Excuses and obfuscations don’t cut it. POTUS Trump needs to come clean about this. Our defending the indefensible is a discredit to us all.
I am quite happy he is POTUS considering the alternative. But he has his faults that need to be pointed out so they can be corrected.
This has been trying to take root and it always fails. Definitions matter. There was two paths. One path was to get people unlocked from- their homes and the other path would be a lot darker. Me I would go everywhere and get yelled at and plus I was deemed -whatever that st… oh yeah.. essential and had papers I threw away if the police pulled me over.
The darker path would have lead to first. People like me would be out in reeducation (concentration) camps for the safety of others and this takes away the whole constitutional rights one would have.
Others would commit suicide because they would hear the propaganda on Twitter and the msm and believe millions are dying and be hopeless.
You think I am wrong or you are on the side of that reality.
The warp sped was required to put these new world order nut jobs in a position they cannot control.
There is no pleasing everyone in any situation. Anyone who believes all should pleased and happy is essentially not capable of seeing or they are for the darker side.
For me. I think every American should have ignored scarf lady and fauci and flipped off the whole darn government the very second they said two weeks to flatten the curve.
If you do not believe me this is what they did Australia and Canada. If they would have gotten away with it in the USA… we would have non2 Amendment right now and honestly we barely have it anyways.
It isn’t that I didn’t/don’t believe that is the plan. But at this point and actually at points along the way to now POTUS Trump should have begun questioning the jab. He really did and does act like a salesman for the jab long after it should have been outlawed.
It is all good. I believe you are a critical thinker and very intelligent. What is awesome about those like you is when things become more clear you will adjust as needed.
Nothing wrong with questioning anything and being honest.
I guarantee you that you are more intelligent than me. I am very intelligent too.
We all have different ways to view things and that is important.
This week I was installing a very large point to point pipe for a private network from one state to another… I have not been involved with this project but my manager put me in it. A year and a half it has been going on.
Most people do not want to offfend others so to speak. I just want to get the job done and be done with it. We have to test these types of connections before we roll it to the entity who will use it.
I ask questions while I am testing it. Because I hear little things.. like clicking errors right.. nothing was ever plugged into the new pipe so how are they seeing errors clocking?
The test lasts a few days then I return. It passes and the tech on the other end says that side passed too. I am on a conf bridge with people waaaaay above my pay grade and should be able to do wasaay more than me. Yet I am that guy… so one of the techs on the phones said a number and I say that number is not this room on two racks. The tech says I will flash the card.. I see it flash. Tell the onsite it guy to run a fiber to that and unplug what is in it and plug this new one if it.
Done —- now if I do what 99 percent of people do. This would still never be done…. I have thousands of scenarios over almost 3 decades I have always done this.
I was the best at Dennys breakfast when I was a little kid. I always connected every dot in order. ;)