A gas station? Are you actually suggesting someone go to a gas station to buy a map? You can get maps and road atlas on Amazon! Thanks for demonstrating what a complete fucking moron you are!
You must be very young because maps were always available for free at gas stations. For Free. You missed out you moron. Don't be so flipping stupid. Buy some brains on Amazon.
I’m older than you asshole! And you’re the simp that implied GPS couldn’t be replaced using a map by suggesting maps were difficult to get. So what is it? Is it “have you tried to get a map lately? If you have, you would not post this…” or is it “maps are always free at gas stations” which proves my point! By the way, maps are available at some gas stations but they’re not “free” you idiot! You should probably sit this one out if you don’t have the IQ to understand what the original subject of this post was and the meaning of my response to it. Fucking assholes like you should be banned from using a keyboard!
For crying out loud! What did folks use before GPS? They used a map or road atlas! The fear mongering is off the charts these days!
Oh sure. Just go to the nearest gas station and get a map. Have you tried to get a map lately. If you have, you would not post this dumb shit.
A gas station? Are you actually suggesting someone go to a gas station to buy a map? You can get maps and road atlas on Amazon! Thanks for demonstrating what a complete fucking moron you are!
You must be very young because maps were always available for free at gas stations. For Free. You missed out you moron. Don't be so flipping stupid. Buy some brains on Amazon.
I’m older than you asshole! And you’re the simp that implied GPS couldn’t be replaced using a map by suggesting maps were difficult to get. So what is it? Is it “have you tried to get a map lately? If you have, you would not post this…” or is it “maps are always free at gas stations” which proves my point! By the way, maps are available at some gas stations but they’re not “free” you idiot! You should probably sit this one out if you don’t have the IQ to understand what the original subject of this post was and the meaning of my response to it. Fucking assholes like you should be banned from using a keyboard!